Galawati Kabab Recipe - All Foods Recipe


Wednesday 11 April 2018

Galawati Kabab Recipe

Galawati Kabab Recipe


  • Beef (minced by hand) : 1 kg
  • Fried Onions : 250 grams
  • Yogurt : 250 grams
  • Gram Flour (besan) : 4 tbsp
  • National Coriander Powder : 1 tablespoon
  • National Garam Masala Powder : 1 tablespoon
  • Ginger Garlic Paste : 1 tablespoon
  • Raw Papaya : 2 tablespoons
  • Oil : 1 cup
  • Ginger  : 2 tablespoons, finely sliced
  • Green Chilies : 6
  • Fresh Mint : 1 cup
  • Coal : 1 piece
  • National Chicken Tikka Masala : 1 packet (50 grams)


Mix together mince, fried onions, ginger garlic paste, raw papaya and National Chicken Tikka Masala.
Leave to rest for 1 hour.
Heat the oil and fry the mince on medium heat for half an hour.
Toast the gram flour and coriander powder, add to the mince and fry on high heat.
When the oil separates, add the garam masala and turn off the heat.
To smoke, heat the piece of coal on the flame until it glows red.
Place the coal in a small bowl and set the bowl in the middle of the mince pot.
Cover tightly until the smoke flavors the meat.
Garnish with green chilies, fresh mint and finely sliced ginger.

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